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Türkiye'nin AB Daimi Temsilci Büyükelçi Faruk Kaymakçı, Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Genel Sekreteri Büyükelçi Kubanıçbek Ömüraliyev onuruna konutunda bir resepsiyon verdi.

Resepsiyona sayın  Kazakistan Büyükelçisi Baimukhan Margulan, sayın Kırgızistan Büyükelçisi  Aidit Erkin, sayın Özbekistan Büyükelçisi  Dilyor Khakimov ,sayınTürkmenistan Büyükelçisi  Sapar Palvanov, sayın Macaristan  Büyükelçisi  Dr. János HÓVÁRI  ve sayın KKTC Brüksel Büyükelçisi   Ayda Soylu, Misyon şefleri, Brüksel  T.C Umut Deniz  ve Anvers Batu Kesmen   Başkonsolosları katıldı. resepsiyonda birer konuşma yapan Türkiye'nin AB Daimi Temsilci Büyükelçi Faruk Kaymakçı, Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Genel Sekreteri Büyükelçi Kubanıçbek Ömüraliyev yaptıkları konuşmalarda teşkilatın çalışmaları ve AB ziyaretleri hakkında bilgiler aktardılar.


Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Genel Sekreteri Büyükelçi Kubanıçbek Ömüraliyev yaptıkları konuşması

" TDT ile AB arasında sağlam zemin için adımlar atılıyor

- Kubanıçbek Ömüraliyev, AB kurumlarını ziyaret eden ilk Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Genel Sekreteri oldu

BRÜKSEL (AA) - Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (TDT) Genel Sekreteri Büyükelçi Kubanıçbek Ömüraliyev, TDT ile Avrupa Birliği (AB) arasında "sağlam bir zemin" oluşturmak için Brüksel'de AB kurumlarını ziyaret etti.

Türkiye'nin AB Daimi Temsilcisi Büyükelçi Faruk Kaymakcı, Genel Sekreter Ömüraliyev'in Brüksel'i ziyareti dolayısıyla resepsiyon verdi.

Resepsiyona TDT üyesi ülkeler ile gözlemci ülkelerin büyükelçilerinin yanı sıra AB Komisyonu, Avrupa Parlamentosu, AB Konseyinden temsilciler ile çok sayıda davetli katıldı.

Resepsiyonda konuşan Ömüraliyev, AB kurumlarını ziyaret eden ilk TDK Genel Sekreteri olduğunu belirterek, "Bu ziyaret TDT'nin bölgesinde ve uluslararası alandaki artan siyasi rolünün göstergesidir." dedi.

Görev süresince TDT-AB ilişkileri için sağlam bir zemin oluşturulması ve AB kurumlarıyla işbirliği kurulması için çalışacağını dile getiren Ömüraliyev, "AB kurumlarının üye ülkelerimizle güçlü ilişkilerini sürdürmesinden memnuniyet duyuyorum. Türk dünyası ve Türk vizyonunun Brüksel'de pek çok dostu ve destekçisi bulunduğunun farkındayım." diye konuştu.

Ömüraliyev, TDT'nin 160 milyonluk nüfusunun 50 yıl içinde 200 milyona ulaşacağını, dünya ekonomisinin yüzde 3'ünü oluşturduklarını, bunun 20-30 yıl içinde en az yüzde 5 seviyesine çıkacağını ifade etti.

TDT ülkelerinin enerji arzı ve güvenliğinde önemli yeri bulunduğunu, Asya ile Avrupa arasında hayati bir transit rotası olduğunu hatırlatan Ömüraliyev, bu rolün gelecekte giderek artacağını söyledi.

Ömüraliyev, "Türk devletleri küresel gıda ve enerji güvenliği ile kesintisiz mal arzını sağlamaya hazırdır." ifadesini kullandı.

- Kaymakcı: "Türk dünyası Avrupa için önemlidir"

Türkiye'nin AB Daimi Temsilcisi Büyükelçi Faruk Kaymakcı da Türk topluluklarının sadece Orta Asya'da ve Anadolu'da değil, Ukrayna, Balkanlar ve Avrupa gibi geniş bir coğrafyada bulunduğunu hatırlattı.

TDT ülkelerinin 1 trilyon avroluk gayrisafi milli hasılaya sahip olduğunu vurgulayan Kaymakcı, dünyanın geri kalanıyla da 800 milyar avroluk ticaret hacmi bulunduğunu kaydetti.

Kaymakcı, "Orta Asya ve Türk dünyası, Avrupa için özellikle ulaştırma, enerji gibi alanların yanı sıra barış ve istikrar için de önemlidir. Bu nedenle TDT'nin Brüksel'de daha fazla mevcudiyetinin olması, AB'nin TDT ile daha iyi ve yapısal ilişkiler geliştirmesi gerektiğine inanıyoruz." dedi."



The Organization of Turkic States
The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) was established on
3 October 2009 by the Nakhchivan Agreement.
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan are the members of the OTS. Hungary, Turkmenistan and TRNC hold observer status of the Organization.
Based on four main pillars of common history, language, culture and traditions, the OTS aims to broaden and deepen cooperation among the member states in the areas such as economy, politics science, education, transportation, energy, customs, tourism, youth and sports.
The OTS is committed to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized principles and norms of international law, including sovereign equality, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of states, as well as to safeguarding international peace, security and developing good-neighborly and friendly relations.

The OTS is dedicated to strengthening peace and stability, promoting wide-ranging cooperation and disclosing the potential for common development among its member states. By promoting deeper relations and solidarity amongst Turkic countries, the OTS aims to serve as an effective regional instrument for advancing international cooperation in the Eurasian continent.
Today, the economic relations lay a serious ground for cooperation within the framework of the OTS. Turkic States, with a total GDP of $1.5 trillion, perform as an important economic player.
The Organization established cooperative ties with other international organizations, including the UN and its agencies with a view to strenghtening peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

The Mission
The purpose of the Organization of Turkic States is deepening comprehensive cooperation among its member countries and observers, and contributing to regional and global peace and stability.
Member states also express their commitment to fundamental principles such as democracy, respect for human rights, the rule of law, and good governance.
Cooperation within the scope of the Organization is built on the basis of the solidarity among the member states arising from the common history, culture, identity, and linguistic unity of the Turkic peoples.
A particularly important goal is to create a complementary geopolitical, geo-economic and cultural space, while preserving national identities.
The OTS also rallies active coordination and cooperation among the governments, parliaments, various ministries, private business representatives, academia and universities of the members and observers.
Turkic cooperation has been contributing to addressing the regional and global challenges faced by the member states with a cooperative spirit.
By harmonizing national capacities where appropriate, the Organization will continue to serve as an important tool for achieving this more effectively. In this context, the Turkic World Vision-2040, which was adopted at the Istanbul Summit in 2021; and the Turkic States Strategy for
2022-2026, which was adopted at the Samarkand Summit in 2022, provide direction for individual and joint action by the member states to further build their administrative capacities to serve the needs and aspirations of their people.

The Mission
For centuries, Turkic peoples have shaped global history and established rich civilizations in their geographies. They built and ruled numerous empires and states in the vast area stretching from Europe to India and from the Pacific to North Africa. Today, after almost three hundred years of break up and hardship, Turkic States, conscious of their common roots and identity, have entered a period of close cooperation, building stronger and sounder relations, and designing their common future together. October 3 is celebrated annually as the "Turkic States Cooperation Day",
Member States and the OTS itself are looking for answers to a number of questions that are a legacy of the past or a challenge of the present. A particularly important goal is to create a unified geopolitical, geo-economic and cultural region, while preserving national characteristics. The main forums for cooperation at present are the Summits at the level of the Heads of State, Council of Foreign Ministers, Senior Officials Committee and Council of Elders. The organization also rallies active coordination and cooperation among the Parliaments, governments, various ministries, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, academia and universities of the Member and Observer States. In addition to the existing fora, the prospective Turkic Investment Fund is aimed at providing assistance and support in the future to eliminate economic disparities within the region and to create a Turkic cohesion. At last, the task of unifying the Turkic family is accomplished with the admission of Turkmenistan as Observer in 2021.
Turkic States and Hungary
Hungarians are connected to the steppe and the Turkic world through ancient ties. Their linguistic, anthropological, ethnographic, and musical strands are mutually reinforcing Hungarians have always proudly admitted their eastern origins - even though they have been people of the West for at least 1,100 years.
The results of the Hungarian Turkology speak for themselves.
Hungarians of the 18th-20th centuries shared a common destiny with the Turkic peoples, helping to build their culture and national struggles. It is well-known from Istanbul to the Altai Mountains.
The geopolitical and economic significance of Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Central Asia have been outstandingly increasing ever more especially since the beginning of the new millennium.
Turkic States will definitely play a key role in connecting Europe and Asia via the Middle Corridor in the upcoming period.
Similarly, Turkic States view Hungary as their bridge to Europe.
Therefore, it was self-evident that the Hungarian government decided to apply for Observer status in the OTS in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan, on September 3, 2018. All member states highly welcomed the initiative.
Representation Office of the OTS in Hungary
Peter Szijártó, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, along with the Foreign Ministers of the Member States, opened the Representation Office on September 19, 2019, as an outcome of the strategic decision of enhancing comprehensive cooperation between Hungary and the OTS member states. At the Budapest Office, diplomats appointed by the Turkic states work with Hungarian colleagues, with the leadership of Dr. János Hóvári, a Turkologist and an Ambassador, and aim to build relationships across a wide range of sectors that lead to a common future on the ground of the shared past

The main bodies of the Organization are the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Council of Elders, the Senior Officials Committee and the Secretariat.
The Organization convenes Its annual summits under certain topics, where the Heads of State of the OTS countries evaluate the past period and set goals for the following year.
The OTS Secretariat is based in Istanbul, and the Organization has a Representation Office located in Budapest, Hungary to promote greater interaction between its member states and Hungary as well as to ensure enhanced cooperation of the OTS with the European countries and institutions.
The OTS coordinates the activities of its related and affiliated organizations namely the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA), the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), the Turkic Academy, the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, and the Union of Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry.


The Organization of Turkic States
The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) was established on
3 October 2009 by the Nakhchivan Agreement.
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan are the members of the OTS. Hungary, Turkmenistan and TRNC hold observer status of the Organization.
Based on four main pillars of common history, language, culture and traditions, the OTS aims to broaden and deepen cooperation among the member states in the areas such as economy, politics science, education, transportation, energy, customs, tourism, youth and sports.
The OTS is committed to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized principles and norms of international law, including sovereign equality, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of states, as well as to safeguarding international peace, security and developing good-neighborly and friendly relations.

The OTS is dedicated to strengthening peace and stability, promoting wide-ranging cooperation and disclosing the potential for common development among its member states. By promoting deeper relations and solidarity amongst Turkic countries, the OTS aims to serve as an effective regional instrument for advancing international cooperation in the Eurasian continent.
Today, the economic relations lay a serious ground for cooperation within the framework of the OTS. Turkic States, with a total GDP of $1.5 trillion, perform as an important economic player.
The Organization established cooperative ties with other international organizations, including the UN and its agencies with a view to strenghtening peace, stability and prosperity in
the region.

The Mission
The purpose of the Organization of Turkic States is deepening comprehensive cooperation among its member countries and observers, and contributing to regional and global peace and stability.
Member states also express their commitment to fundamental principles such as democracy, respect for human rights, the rule of law, and good governance.
Cooperation within the scope of the Organization is built on the basis of the solidarity among the member states arising from the common history, culture, identity, and linguistic unity of the Turkic peoples.
A particularly important goal is to create a complementary geopolitical, geo-economic and cultural space, while preserving national identities.
The OTS also rallies active coordination and cooperation among the governments, parliaments, various ministries, private business representatives, academia and universities of the members and observers.
Turkic cooperation has been contributing to addressing the regional and global challenges faced by the member states with a cooperative spirit.
By harmonizing national capacities where appropriate, the Organization will continue to serve as an important tool for achieving this more effectively. In this context, the Turkic World Vision-2040, which was adopted at the Istanbul Summit in 2021; and the Turkic States Strategy for
2022-2026, which was adopted at the Samarkand Summit in 2022, provide direction for individual and joint action by the member states to further build their administrative capacities to serve the needs and aspirations of their people.





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